02 November 2016

ADAS have identified a significant problem with PLANET relating to the date of the computer clock, where this date is on or after 01/11/2016.


Do not open your farm files in your current version of PLANET.

If you do open your farm file in your current version of PLANET there is a risk that you will lose your data. Users must uninstall their current version of PLANET and reinstall a new version (v3.3.3) from their website.

The updated version of PLANET can be downloaded from the PLANET website as follows:

  1. Go to www.planet4farmers.co.uk
  2. Select ‘LogIn’ from the left hand menu and login using your username and password
  3. Scroll down and click on ‘Download PLANET version 3.3.3’ and ‘Save’ this file to a location on your computer
  4. Uninstall any previous versions of PLANET v3 from your computer. Do this from the ‘Start’ menu and select ‘Control Panel’. On most computers, then ‘Programs and Features’, then select PLANET, then select ‘Uninstall
  5. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the previously saved PLANET v3_3_3.exe file. Double click on this file to start the installation process. If you are using Windows 7, Windows 8 or Vista, you must install as an administrator by right clicking on the .exe file and then selecting ‘Run as Administrator
  6. The new PLANET v3.3.3 will be installed with an icon on the desktop

Message from ADAS: ‘We apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any problems installing the new version of PLANET, please contact ADAS directly on 01623 844331 and we will try to help.’

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