Soil&Water 2019
Annual Winter Conference
Organised by the Soil & Water Management Centre
Sponsored by
(conference repeated on 7th, 20th and 21st November in Devon, Yorkshire and Essex respectively. See the Soil & Water Management Centre’s events page for more details)
5 BASIS and NRoSO points applied for
09.30 Registration and refreshments
09.50 Welcome
10.00 Soil Security
Speaker: Professor Chris Collins, Reading University
How can we secure our supply of food using less land with lower inputs? Chris is the co-ordinator of a multi-million euro research investment to understand how soils resist, recover and ultimately adapt to land use and climate change. The Soil Security Programme hopes to fill these knowledge gaps by adopting a novel, multi-disciplinary, multi-scale approach.
10.30 Sustainable Soil Management
Speaker: Dr Emily Pope, AHDB
Emily will speak about the Strategic Farm West platform which aims to integrate research and practical farming in a way that has the potential to change farming for the better. Trials are being conducted that test the results of research in a real farm environment and will communicate the full net-margin cost benefit of a particular strategy.
11.00 Break
11.20 Improving nutrient use efficiency
Speakers: Dr Jonathan Leake, University of Sheffield
Re-introducing grass leys into arable rotations to improve soil structure and nutrient use efficiency – how much do the arable crops benefit, is nutrient use efficiency improved and are plants and the soil healthier?
11.50 Protecting soil, water and air
Speakers: Philippa Mansfield and Ken Downward, Natural England CSF
Practical techniques to reduce soil and nutrient losses from farming – farmers working with the Catchment Sensitive Farming partnership to improve water and air quality.
12.20 Lunch
13.00 Commercial & practical session
This session will show the wealth of wildlife that exists in soils and how best to protect it by appropriate cultivation and by setting tyre pressures to maximise efficiency and reduce compaction. (HAU, Kverneland, Fendt & Trelleborg)
14.15 Farmer Case Studies from the locality
Neil Harley of Cheswell Grange has reverted his farm from arable to grassland and legumes and established a beef cattle enterprise. He will explain his motivations and report on the ensuing benefits.
Information about our second farmer shortly.
14.45 Agrocycle/Horizon 20/20
Speakers: Andrew Richards (Agrii), Ana Morais Natalio& Dr Simon Jeffery (HAU)
Our team will report on an EU funded project that’s been looking at the impact of organic wastes on soil and plant health.
15.15 Discussion/closing session